About Us

About Green Freight and Logistics website

Freight is the fastest-growing source of emissions from the transportation around the world. Government policies tend to focus on private vehicles and public transport more than on trucks. Whether it is the introduction of cleaner fuels, fuel economy standards, tax incentives or investments in infrastructure, fleet upgrades and information technology to improve transport, the freight sector is still behind. This is despite of a huge potential to reduce fuel use and costs, and CO2 and air pollutant emissions from trucks in Asia. "Empty miles" (miles traveled without a load) is high and exacerbated by a fragmented sector, and thus efforts to improve freight logistics are initiated across Asia.


This Green Freight Website aims to improve access to information on policies and programs, technologies and logistics, and data relevant to the freight sector, especially for developing countries. By providing a platform for shippers, carriers, logistics providers, government agencies, practitioners and other stakeholders, we hope to encourage debate, sharing of experiences and establishing collaborations.


Information on the Green Freight and Logistics website is compiled through Clean Air Asia's green freight projects funded by the Energy Foundation and the World Bank, and with the support from Cascade Sierra Solutions, US EPA and other partners.


For more information on Clean Air Asia's work on green freight, please visit:
Development of Green Freight China Program
Green Trucks Pilot Project in Guangzhou


About Clean Air Asia

Clean Air Asia's mission is to promote better air quality and livable cities by reducing air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from transport, energy and other sectors. Clean Air Asia was established in 2001 by the Asian Development Bank, the World Bank and USAID, and is part of a global initiative that includes CAI-LAC (Latin American Cities) and CAI-SSA (Sub-Saharan Africa).


Since 2007, this multi-stakeholder initiative is a registered UN Type II Partnership with more than 200 organizational members and eight Country Networks. The secretariat of the Clean Air Asia Partnership is the Clean Air Asia Center, a non-profit organization with headquarters in Manila, Philippines and offices in Beijing, China and Delhi, India. Organizations can join the Clean Air Asia Partnership or support our activities by becoming a Clean Air Asia Center member.


Individuals can be involved in Clean Air Asia activities by registering at the Clean Air Portal, joining our Communities of Practice, or subscribing to our Listserv (send blank email to join-cai-asia@lists.worldbank.org)


For more information on Clean Air Asia, please visit http://cleanairiasia.org/portal/aboutus