Canada: ecoFreight Program and ecoEnergy for Fleets (Fleet Smart)

Organization: ecoFreight Program: Transport Canada (Government) and ecoEnergy for Fleets (Fleet Smart): Natural Resources, Canada (Government)

Location: Canada

Date Start: 2006

Freight Scope: All Freight (air, marine, rail and road)




ecoFreight Program

Transport Canada’s ecofreight program works with the freight transportation industry towards a greater uptake of technologies and practices that reduce fuel consumption, criteria air contaminants and greenhouse gas emissions. The program consists of six initiatives:

► National Harmonization Initiative for the Trucking Industry which identifies regulatory barriers and solutions in collaboration with provinces and territories, so that the Canadian trucking industry can embrace emissions-reducing technologies.

► ecoENERGY for Fleets to reduce fuel use and emissions in commercial and institutional fleets via training, sharing of best practices, anti-idling campaigns, technical analysis to look for potential improvements and other technology opportunities.

► Freight Technology Demonstration Fund by establishing cost-shared demonstrations to test and measure new and underused freight transportation technologies in real-world conditions.

► Freight Technology Incentives Program which provides cost-shared funding to companies and non-profit organizations in freight transportation to help them to purchase and install proven emission-reducing technologies.

ecoFREIGHT Partnerships in order to build and maintain partnerships within the transportation sector to reduce emissions from freight transportation through fast and flexible voluntary actions that can support the regulatory framework.

► Marine Shore Power which demonstrates the use of shore-based power for marine vessels in Canadian ports to reduce air pollution from idling ship engines in some of Canada’s largest urban centres.



ecoEnergy for Fleets (Fleet Smart)

ecoENERGY for Fleets is a program offered by Natural Resources Canada introducing fleets to energy-efficient practices that can reduce fuel consumption and emissions.  FleetSmart is a component of this program offering free practical advice on how energy-efficient vehicles and business practices can reduce fleet operating costs, improve productivity and increase your competitiveness through Smart Driver Training & Fuel management workshops.



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